Faculty Focus: Spring 2021

Learn about the research and achievements of faculty in the College of Engineering & Computer Science.

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The College of Engineering & Computer Science congratulates faculty members for their recent awards, achievements, grants, publications, and presentations.

Awards & Achievements

ECS Faculty Recognized for Service to Campus and Community

Cal State Fullerton recently honored six faculty members from the College of Engineering & Computer Science for their outstanding record of service to students, the university, and the community.

  • Hakob Avetisyan, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering
  • Kristijan Kolozvari, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering
  • John Faller, associate professor of computer engineering
  • Doina Bein, associate professor of computer science
  • Paul Inventado, assistant professor of computer science
  • Sagil James, assistant professor of mechanical engineering

The annual Faculty Recognition Awards event, established in 1995, was held virtually for the first time.

Kristijan Kolozvari, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, works on seismic building construction.
Kristijan Kolozvari, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, is one of Cal State Fullerton’s faculty members who was honored for service.

STEM Dive Challenge Winners

Sudarshan Kurwadkar, professor of civil and environmental engineering, and environmental engineering alumnus Jeffrey Whitten (BS ’17) created the “Advancing Student Success in STEM at CSUF” video that won both the Expert’s Choice and People’s Choice awards in the National Science Foundation’s STEM DIVE (Diversity and Inclusion Video Exhibition) Challenge. Kurwadkar also directs a $1.5 million NSF grant focused on enhancing and diversifying STEM education.

Notable Grants

John Faller, associate professor of computer engineering, received a $39,874 grant from the University of West Florida for the project “Supply Chain Cybersecurity Initiative CNC Machine Tool Controls Integrity Verification.”

Sergio Guerra, director of the Center for Academic Support in Engineering & Computer Science, received an $18,500 grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation for the “CSUF Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program.”

Binod Tiwari, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering, and associate vice president for research and sponsored projects in the Division of Academic Affairs, received $6,230 from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute for the project “Scaling Up the Use of Mixed Reality in Civil Engineering Education.”

Publications & Presentations

Jaya Dofe, assistant professor of computer engineering, collaborated with faculty from other universities to organize the fourth annual Women in Hardware and Systems Security workshop. The event aimed to attract more women to the hardware and systems security field and provide a forum for mutual support.

Shawn Wang, professor of computer science, co-wrote “A Software Tool for Protein Sequence Alignment,” recently published in the International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications. He also served as a panelist for “Living in 2021 and Your Cyber Footprint: A Virtual Cybersecurity Town Hall” with Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva.

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