New Scholarships Encourage Diversity in Engineering

Two new scholarships at the College of Engineering & Computer Science seek to support scholars traditionally underrepresented in engineering and technology. Scholarships like these are key to achieving the college’s mission of increasing diversity in STEM and creating an inclusive learning environment.

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Rangan #BLM Scholarship

The Rangan #BLM Scholarship, established by Ashwin and Deepa Rangan, is an annual $5,000 award, renewable for up to four years, open to all second-year continuing ECS students, with special consideration given to students participating in the National Society of Black Engineers, or otherwise demonstrating support for the society’s values. Applicants must have at least a 2.5 GPA, be enrolled full time at the college, and demonstrate documented financial need.

Photo of Ashwim and Deepa Rangan
Ashwim and Deepa Rangan

Ashwin Rangan is an officer with ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, headquartered in Los Angeles, where he serves as SVP of Engineering and Chief Information Officer. He also serves as a board member with GrandPad®. Born in India and raised until a teenager in Africa, he earned a mechanical engineering design degree from Bangalore University, India, and a master’s degree in industrial engineering and management from the National Institute of Industrial Engineering in Mumbai, India. He is certified as a Corporate Director by the UCLA Anderson School of Management and is certified in Cyberpolicy by Harvard University. His partner, Deepa Rangan, serves as a residential real estate agent with Hanu Reddy Realty in Irvine. She earned an electrical engineering degree from Bangalore University, India, and an MBA from the University of Cincinnati, Ohio.

Fieldhouse Rising Memorial Scholarship

The Fieldhouse Rising Memorial Scholarship was established in memory of Christopher Fields, a human resources industry consultant, writer, speaker, and founder of ResumeCrusade. The $1,000 scholarship is open to a continuing student actively working to promote diversity and inclusion in STEM through their work, writing, or on-campus activities. Students participating in Women in Computer Science and Engineering, the Association for Computing Machinery – Women, National Society of Black Engineers, the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, and Latinos in Science and Engineering are encouraged to apply. Applicants must demonstrate a 3.0 GPA, full-time or part-time enrollment, and a commitment to diversity and inclusion.

Fields maintained a lifelong commitment to freedom of expression beyond the bounds of race, gender identity, and societal economic factors. He founded a space for the celebration of diversity through his website Performance I Create, which provided an avenue for anonymous expression through writing. Fields’ dedication to learning about every aspect of hiring gave the job seekers he helped the best chance to attain the job of their dreams. He was also a strong proponent for and supporter of Black Girls Code, a nonprofit organization dedicated to teaching school-age African American girls about computer programming and digital technology.

Give to ECS

Make a Gift to Cal State Fullerton and designate Fieldhouse Memorial Rising Scholarship.

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