Faculty Focus: Fall 2020

The College of Engineering & Computer Science congratulates faculty members for their recent awards, achievements, grants, and promotions.

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Kiran George Receives 2020 Outstanding Professor Award

Professor Kiran George is a committed teacher, an innovative and prolific researcher, and a leader within the Computer Engineering Program. It is for these reasons and more that he was named the 2020 recipient of Cal State Fullerton’s Outstanding Professor Award. George, who also directs the college’s Bio-Electric Signal-Based Systems Laboratory, has received more than $2.9 million in grants and awards and has authored or co-authored more than 85 peer-reviewed technical articles and reports, with many of his students as co-authors.

Environmental Engineer Sudarshan Kurwadkar Honored for Research Excellence

Professor Sudarshan Kurwadkar studies emerging environmental pollutants, develops remediation solutions, and brings his research into the classroom to engage students in real-world learning experiences. For his significant scholarly accomplishments in these areas, Kurwadkar, a professor of civil and environment engineering, received the 2020 L. Donald Shields Excellence in Scholarship and Creativity Award.

Notable Grants

Yu Bai, assistant professor of computer engineering, received $139,941 from the U.S. Army Research Office for the “Edge-Based Machine Intelligence Architecture for In-Situ Video Processing Using Binarized Neural Networks” project.

John Faller, associate professor of computer engineering, received an $86,829 grant from the University of West Florida for the “CNC Machine Tool Controls Integrity Verification” project, and a $33,550 University of West Florida award for continuation of “Validation of Numerically Controlled Manufacturing Processes.”

Kiran George, professor of computer engineering, and Anand Panangadan, assistant professor of computer science, received $199,211 from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for the “Design and Development of a Teach-by-Showing Paradigm Based Robotic Aid System for Blinded Veterans” project.

Sergio Guerra, director of the Center for Academic Support in Engineering & Computer Science, received $23,000 from the U.S. Department of Transportation for the Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship Program.

Jin Woo Lee, assistant professor of mechanical engineering, received $79,693 from the National Science Foundation (in collaboration with the University of Michigan) for the “Advancing Social Engagement Within Engineering Education” project.

Binod Tiwari, associate vice president for research and sponsored projects and professor of civil and environmental engineering, received $6,115 from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute for “Collaborative Research: Scaling Up the Use of Mixed Reality in Civil Engineering Education.”

Publications and Promotions

Mohinder Grewal, professor emeritus of electrical engineering and 2009 Outstanding Professor, published the book Global Navigation Satellite Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration.

Shahin G. Shahi was recognized as professor emeritus of electrical engineering, for 35 years of service to the University.

Recent promotions:

  • Yoonsuk Choi, associate professor of computer engineering
  • Kristijan Kolozvari, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering
  • Sudarshan Kurwadkar, professor of civil and environmental engineering
  • Salvador Mayoral, associate professor of mechanical engineering
  • Pradeep Nair, professor of computer engineering
  • Deepak Sharma, associate professor of civil and environmental engineering

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